BlobRequest Members

Storage Client Library NET API

[This topic is part of the Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library 1.7, which has been deprecated. See Storage Client Library for the latest version.]

Provides a set of methods for constructing requests for blob operations.

The following tables list the members exposed by the BlobRequest type.

Public Methods

public methodstaticAddConditionalOverloaded.  
public methodstaticAddMetadataOverloaded.  
public methodstaticCopyFromConstructs a web request to copy a blob.
public methodstaticDeleteConstructs a web request to delete a blob.
public methodstaticGetOverloaded.  
public methodstaticGetBlockListConstructs a web request to return the list of blocks for a block blob.
public methodstaticGetMetadataConstructs a web request to return the user-defined metadata for the blob.
public methodstaticGetPageRangesConstructs a web request to return the list of active page ranges for a page blob.
public methodstaticGetPropertiesConstructs a web request to return the blob's system properties.
public methodstaticGetServicePropertiesGets the properties of an account’s Blob service.
public methodstaticLeaseConstructs a web request to use to acquire, renew, release or break the lease for the blob.
public methodstaticListConstructs a web request to return a listing of all blobs in the container.
public methodstaticPutConstructs a web request to create a new block blob or page blob, or to update the content of an existing block blob.
public methodstaticPutBlockConstructs a web request to write a block to a block blob.
public methodstaticPutBlockListConstructs a web request to create or update a blob by committing a block list.
public methodstaticPutPageConstructs a web request to write or clear a range of pages in a page blob.
public methodstaticSetMetadataConstructs a web request to set user-defined metadata for the blob.
public methodstaticSetPropertiesConstructs a web request to set system properties for a blob.
public methodstaticSetServicePropertiesSets the properties of an account’s Blob service.
public methodstaticSignRequestSigns the request for Shared Key authentication.
public methodstaticSignRequestForSharedKeyLiteSigns the request for Shared Key Lite authentication.
public methodstaticSnapshotConstructs a web request to create a snapshot of a blob.
public methodstaticWriteBlockListBodyWrites the body of the block list to the specified stream in XML format.
public methodstaticWriteServicePropertiesWrites the Blob service properties to an output stream.

See Also