Write Discrete

FieldPoint Optomux Programming

Write Discrete

[cmdchars] = !L


The Write Discrete command drives targeted discrete output channels ON or OFF on the addressed FieldPoint module.



Use !o!L for modules with 32 channels.

[positions]Four ASCII-hex characters specify the targeted channels. A "1" in any bit means that the command writes to the corresponding channel. A zero in any bit means that the corresponding channel is not targeted.

If you send !o!L, [positions] must contain eight ASCII-hex characters.

Targeting an input channel or a channel that does not exist causes the command to return an error.
[data]Four ASCII-hex characters specify all of the output levels to be written. A "1" in any bit means ON. A zero in any bit means OFF. The command ignores bits that correspond to untargeted channels.

If you send !o!L, [data] must contain eight ASCII-hex characters.

Success Response


Error Responses

E_INVALID_CMDUndefined command.
E_INSUFF_CHARSData field error. An insufficient or incorrect number of characters were received for the command.
E_INV_LIMS_GOTSpecified limits invalid for the command.
E_ILLEGAL_DIGITOne or more characters in the command could not be properly converted to a digit (hex or decimal).
E_INV_CHNLOne or more channels specified in the command either do not exist or do not support the specified operation.
E_NO_MODULEThere is no module at the specified address.

Refer to FieldPoint Responses for other possible error responses, error numbers, and error descriptions.


The following command turns channel 0 ON on the FieldPoint module at address 51 (0x33). Note that all the other "1" bits in [data] are ignored.


The following command turns channel 17 ON on the FieldPoint module at address 51 (0x33). Note that all the other "1" bits in [data] are ignored.
