Set Watchdog Delay

FieldPoint Optomux Programming

Set Watchdog Delay

[cmdchars] = !Q


The Set Watchdog Delay command sets the timeout value for the FieldPoint bank watchdog timer. If the command is addressed to an I/O module, it enables or disables the watchdog for that module. Use the Set Discrete Watchdog Data (!R) command or the Set 16-Bit Watchdog Data (!S) command before using this command.



[wdgTmo]Four ASCII-hex characters specify the watchdog timeout value. The result of this command depends on the value of [wdgTmo] and on whether the command is sent to a network module or an I/O module. The timeout value in ms is equal to 10 times the value of [wdgTmo].

Success Response


Command Sent to Network Module

If [wdgTmo] ≥ 20, the watchdog timeout value for the bank is 10 X [wdgTmo] ms and the watchdog is enabled for the bank. If [wdgTmo] = 0, the watchdog is disabled for the bank. If 0 < [wdgTmo] < 20, the command returns an error.

Command Sent to I/O Module

Sending the command to an I/O module does not affect the watchdog timeout value for the bank. If [wdgTmo] ≥ 20, the watchdog is enabled for the targeted I/O module. If [wdgTmo] = 0, the targeted I/O module is unaffected by watchdog timeouts. If 0 < [wdgTmo] < 20, the command returns an error.

If [wdgTmo] is unspecified, the default value is zero and the targeted module is unaffected by watchdog timeouts.

Note  This command does not affect watchdog settings for individual channels. If you disable the watchdog for a module and want to enable it again, send this command to the module with a valid [wdgTmo] value. When the watchdog is enabled again for the module, all stored watchdog output values for the module will also be enabled.

Error Responses

E_INSUFF_CHARSData field error. An insufficient or incorrect number of characters were received for the command.
E_INV_LIMS_GOTSpecified limits invalid for the command.
E_ILLEGAL_DIGITOne or more characters in the command could not be properly converted to a digit (hex or decimal).
E_NO_MODULEThere is no module at the specified address.

Refer to FieldPoint Responses for other possible error responses, error numbers, and error descriptions.



This command sets the watchdog timeout value for the bank to 210 ms and starts the watchdog timer.


This command enables the watchdog for the I/O module at address 51 (0x33). If output channels on the module have watchdog output values configured, they will output those values in the event of a watchdog timeout.