Set Analog Watchdog Delay

FieldPoint Optomux Programming

Set Analog Watchdog Delay

[cmdchars] = D

Recommended Extended Commands

National Instruments recommends that you use the Set Watchdog Delay (!Q) extended command or the Set Watchdog Data Status (!T) extended command instead of the Set Analog Watchdog Delay command.


The Set Analog Watchdog Delay command sets the timeout value for the FieldPoint bank watchdog. It can also enable channels to take predetermined actions if the watchdog timer expires.

Note  All modules in a FieldPoint bank share a common timeout value. The timeout value for the bank is always the most recent timeout value specified for a module in the bank. For more flexibility, use the recommended extended commands.



[positions]Four ASCII-hex characters specify the channels. A "1" in any bit means that the corresponding channel will output a predetermined value if the watchdog timer expires. A zero in any bit means that the corresponding channel is not targeted.

This command has no effect on input channels.
[wdgTmo]Zero to four ASCII-hex characters set the timeout value. The timeout value in ms is equal to 10 times the value of [wdgTmo].

If [wdgTmo] ≥ 20, the watchdog timeout value for the bank is 10 X [wdgTmo] ms. If [wdgTmo] = 0, the targeted module is unaffected by watchdog timeouts, and the timeout value for the bank is unaffected. If 0 < [wdgTmo] < 20, the command returns an error.

If [wdgTmo] is unspecified, the default value is zero and the targeted module is unaffected by watchdog timeouts.

Success Response


Error Responses

E_INVALID_CMDUndefined command.
E_INV_LIMS_GOTSpecified limits invalid for the command.

Refer to FieldPoint Responses for other possible error responses, error numbers, and error descriptions.



This example sets the watchdog timeout value for the FieldPoint bank to 5 s and enables channel 0 of the module at address 51 (0x33) to respond to a watchdog timeout with the predetermined output value.