Store Watchdog Delay

FieldPoint Optomux Programming

Store Watchdog Delay

[cmdchars] = !V


The Store Watchdog Delay command sets the value for the FieldPoint bank watchdog timer.



[wdgTmo]Four ASCII-hex characters specify the powerup watchdog timeout value. The timeout value in ms is equal to 10 times the value of [wdgTmo].

If [wdgTmo] ≥ 20, the watchdog timeout value for the bank is 10 X [wdgTmo] ms and the watchdog is enabled for the bank. If [wdgTmo] = 0, the watchdog is disabled for the bank. If 0 < [wdgTmo] < 20, the command returns an error.

Success Response


Error Responses

E_INVALID_CMDUndefined command.
E_BAD_ADDRESSThe addressed module does not support the command.
E_INV_LIMS_GOTSpecified limits invalid for the command.
E_ILLEGAL_DIGITOne or more characters in the command could not be properly converted to a digit (hex or decimal).
E_HW_FAILUREAn unrecoverable fault has occurred.

Refer to FieldPoint Responses for other possible error responses, error numbers, and error descriptions.



This command stores the watchdog timeout value 0x200 (5.12 s) for the network module at address 0x00. If the Snapshot feature is enabled and the bank undergoes a power cycle, the watchdog timeout value will be set to 5.12 s.