Counter Input:Timestamp:GPS:Synchronization Method Property

NI-DAQmx Properties

Counter Input:Timestamp:GPS:Synchronization Method Property

Short Name: CI.GPS.SyncMethod

Property of DAQmx Channel

Specifies the method to use to synchronize the counter to a GPS receiver.

IRIG-B (10070) Use the IRIG-B synchronization method. The GPS receiver sends one synchronization pulse per second, as well as information about the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds that elapsed since the beginning of the current year.
PPS (10080) Use the PPS synchronization method. The GPS receiver sends one synchronization pulse per second, but does not send any timing information. The timestamp measurement returns the number of seconds that elapsed since the device powered up unless you set CI.Timestamp.InitialSeconds.
None (10230) Do not synchronize the counter to a GPS receiver. The timestamp measurement returns the number of seconds that elapsed since the device powered up unless you set CI.Timestamp.InitialSeconds.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Settable while task is runningdevice-specific
Available in Run-Time Engineyes