Changes to Lotus Templates

IPFX Document Queuing: E-mail & Fax

Changes to Lotus Templates

By default IPFX Document Queuing's proxy mailbox (i.e. the mailbox that provides publicised folders) sends messages to an Agent stamped with the From address of the proxy mailbox, rather than the original sender's address.

To allow agents to reply directly to the original sender, make the changes described in this section to agents' Lotus templates.

Lotus Template Changes:

Add the following code to the Queryopen Sub of the Memo Form, IPM.Note and IPM.Note.Voicemail:

If Isnewdoc = False Then

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Dim strIPFXFrom As Variant

Dim strFrom As Variant

Set doc=source.document

strIPFXFrom = doc.GetItemValue( "IPFXFrom" )

strIPFXFrom(0) = Trim$(strIPFXFrom(0))

Messagebox( "IPFXFrom: " & strIPFXFrom( 0 ) )

If Len(strIPFXFrom(0)) > 0 Then

strFrom = doc.GetItemValue( "From" )

Messagebox( "From: " & strFrom( 0 ) )

If strIPFXFrom(0) <> strFrom(0) Then

Messagebox("Replacing From")

doc.ReplaceItemValue "From", strIPFXFrom(0)

doc.RemoveItem "IPFXFrom"


doc.Save False,False

Messagebox("From replaced - was " & strFrom(0))


Messagebox("No change.")

End If

End If

Set doc = Nothing

End If

See Also

Lotus Domino server

Mail Server Options for Lotus Domino