Log files

IPFX Document Queuing: E-mail & Fax

Log files

The log files created by IPFX Document Queuing Module vary depending on the mail server type. The log files are written to a location that can be specified in the IPFX Document Queuing Module Configuration — either Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino.

Microsoft Exchange

In an Exchange environment there are 3 components of the Document Queuing Module that log to 3 different files.

The components are:

  1. Main, which manages the information received from the other two components and enables them to communicate to each other,
  2. Link, which provides the link between the Main component and the CT Server(s) to enable queuing of documents/retrieval of extension data etc., and
  3. ExchInt, which provides the link between the Main component and the Exchange Server mailstores.

ExchInt will detect the existence/remove of a document in the published folders and advise Main. Main will pass the document details to the Link which will decide whether/where the document should be queued and manage that process.

Link will advise Main when a document has been accepted by an Agent. Main will pass the document details to ExchInt which will remove the document from the published folder.  

The log files generated are:

IPFX Director Softphone_PSMailSvrEx.log

Main log. Overall status of the application.

IPFX Director Softphone_PSMailSvrLink.log

Link log. Communications with CTServer, data received, queuing information.

IPFX Director Softphone_PSExchInt.log

ExchInt log. Details of interactions with Exchange server; can reveal whether mailboxes can be accessed (that is, errors may appear if NT permissions are incorrect); logs details of Out-of-Office Assistant synchronization; indicates what documents have been moved from publicized folders to private mailboxes.

Note IPFX Director Softphone represents the date stamp which is normally YYMMDD

Lotus Domino

In a Lotus environment there are 2 components of the Document Queuing Module that log to 2 different files.

The components are:

  1. Main, which detects documents in the publicized folders, and
  2. Link, which provides the link between the Main component and the CT Server(s) to enable queuing of documents/retrieval of extension data etc.

Main will pass the document details to the Link which will decide whether/where the document should be queued and manage that process.

Link will advise Main when a document has been accepted by an Agent. Main will route the document to the appropriate Agent and remove the document from the published folder.

The log files generated are:

IPFX Director Softphone_PSMailSvrLt.log

Main log. Overall status of the application.

IPFX Director Softphone_PSMailSvrLink.log

Link log. Communications with CTServer, data received, queuing information.

Note: IPFX Director Softphone represents the date stamp which is normally YYMMDD

See Also


Exchange: Documents not being Queued

Exchange: Documents not being delivered to Agents after Accepting

Exchange: Documents not being removed from Publicized Folder after delivered to Agent

Exchange: ExchInt Log file reports "Error -2147217895 Object or data matching the name, range, or selection criteria was not found within the scope of this operation. opening Mailbox"

Exchange: ExchInt Log file reports "Method '~' of object '~' failed opening Mailbox"

Exchange: Log file reports "Error #5, deleting file"

Out-of-Office Assistant not being set