Listing the Contents of a Directory


Listing the Contents of a Directory

To list the contents of a directory in either the remote or local window, double-click that directory.

FTP command line window instructions

You can list the contents of a directory by using the ls, lls, or dir commands.

Use the ls command to list the contents of a directory on the FTP server. Use the dir command to list the contents of a remote directory to the window or to save the output to a local file. Use the lls command to list the contents of the current working directory of your PC or of another directory on the same drive.

If you are experiencing difficulty with large files shown on servers in foreign countries, you may need to change the parsing method.

To list the contents of a directory on another drive, you must change the working drive with the drive command before using lls. First type drive, then type lls.

Related Topics

Configuring an Alternate Parsing Method

Changing the Working Directory