Logger Class

Furcadia Framework

Logger Class

Furcadia Framework For Third Party Programs
This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Furcadia.Logging.Logger"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

SystemObject  Furcadia.LoggingLogger

Namespace:  Furcadia.Logging
Assembly:  FurcadiaLib (in FurcadiaLib.dll) Version: 2.19.PreAlpha 42

public static class Logger
Public NotInheritable Class Logger

You do not need to declare an instance of a static class in order to access its members.
public ref class Logger abstract sealed
type Logger =  class end

The Logger type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberDebugEnabled
Public propertyStatic memberErrorEnabled
Public propertyStatic memberInfoEnabled
Public propertyStatic memberLogCallingMethod
Public propertyStatic memberLogOutput
Sets the ILogOutput.
Public propertyStatic memberMessagesExpire
Gets or sets the messages expire time limit. Messages that have expired are removed from history. This property used in conjunction with SupressSpam = true prevents too much memory from being used over time
Public propertyStatic memberSingleThreaded
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [single threaded].
Public propertyStatic memberSuppressSpam
Public propertyStatic memberWarningEnabled

Public methodStatic memberAssert(Boolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberAssert(FuncBoolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberAssertT(Boolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberAssertT(FuncBoolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberDebug(Object, String)
Public methodStatic memberDebugT(Object, String)
Public methodStatic memberDisableT
Disables logging for the specified type.
Public methodStatic memberError(Object, String)
Public methodStatic memberErrorT(Object, String)
Public methodStatic memberFails(Boolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberFails(FuncBoolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberFailsT(Boolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberFailsT(FuncBoolean, String)
Public methodStatic memberInfo(Object, String)
Public methodStatic memberInfoT(Object, String)
Public methodStatic memberWarn(Object, String)
Public methodStatic memberWarnT(Object, String)

Public eventStatic memberSpamFound
See Also
