ProxyOptions Properties

Furcadia Framework

ProxyOptions Properties

Furcadia Framework For Third Party Programs
This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The ProxyOptions type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCharacterIniFile
Character Ini file to connect to the Game server with
Public propertyConnectionRetries
Gets or sets the connection retries.
Public propertyConnectionTimeOut
Gets or sets the connection time out.
Public propertyFurcadiaInstallPath
Furcadia working folder path to the Client install we want to use
Public propertyFurcadiaProcess
Furcadia Client executable
Public propertyGameServerHost
Host name or IP of the game server
(Inherited from ClientOptions.)
Public propertyGameServerPort
Game server TCP Port
(Inherited from ClientOptions.)
Public propertyLocalhostPort
Localhost TCP port
Public propertyProxyHost
Host name or IP Address for the proxy server

Defaults to "localhost'

Public propertyStandalone
Allow the connection to stay open after the client drops?
See Also
