COLLADA 1.4 DOM: domNode Class Reference


domNode Class Reference

#include <domNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for domNode:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for domNode:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Nodes embody the hierarchical relationship of elements in the scene.

The node element declares a point of interest in the scene. A node denotes one point on a branch of the scene graph. The node element is essentially the root of a sub graph of the entire scene graph. The node element represents a context in which the child transform elements are composed in the order that they occur. All the other child elements are affected equally by the accumulated transform in the scope of the node element. The transform elements transform the coordinate system of the node element. Mathematically, this means that the transform elements are converted to matrices and post-multiplied in the order they are specified to compose the coordinate system.

Public Member Functions

xsID getId () const
 Gets the id attribute.
void setId (xsID atId)
 Sets the id attribute.
xsNCName getName () const
 Gets the name attribute.
void setName (xsNCName atName)
 Sets the name attribute.
domNodeType getType () const
 Gets the type attribute.
void setType (domNodeType atType)
 Sets the type attribute.
domLookat_ArraygetLookat_array ()
 Gets the lookat element array.
const domLookat_ArraygetLookat_array () const
 Gets the lookat element array.
domMatrix_ArraygetMatrix_array ()
 Gets the matrix element array.
const domMatrix_ArraygetMatrix_array () const
 Gets the matrix element array.
domPerspective_ArraygetPerspective_array ()
 Gets the perspective element array.
const domPerspective_ArraygetPerspective_array () const
 Gets the perspective element array.
domRotate_ArraygetRotate_array ()
 Gets the rotate element array.
const domRotate_ArraygetRotate_array () const
 Gets the rotate element array.
domScale_ArraygetScale_array ()
 Gets the scale element array.
const domScale_ArraygetScale_array () const
 Gets the scale element array.
domSkew_ArraygetSkew_array ()
 Gets the skew element array.
const domSkew_ArraygetSkew_array () const
 Gets the skew element array.
domTranslate_ArraygetTranslate_array ()
 Gets the translate element array.
const domTranslate_ArraygetTranslate_array () const
 Gets the translate element array.
domBoundingbox_ArraygetBoundingbox_array ()
 Gets the boundingbox element array.
const domBoundingbox_ArraygetBoundingbox_array () const
 Gets the boundingbox element array.
domInstance_ArraygetInstance_array ()
 Gets the instance element array.
const domInstance_ArraygetInstance_array () const
 Gets the instance element array.
domNode_ArraygetNode_array ()
 Gets the node element array.
const domNode_ArraygetNode_array () const
 Gets the node element array.
domExtra_ArraygetExtra_array ()
 Gets the extra element array.
const domExtra_ArraygetExtra_array () const
 Gets the extra element array.
daeElementRefArraygetContents ()
 Gets the _contents array.
const daeElementRefArraygetContents () const
 Gets the _contents array.

Static Public Member Functions

static daeElementRef create (daeInt bytes)
 Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
static daeMetaElementregisterElement ()
 Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.

Static Public Attributes

static daeMetaElement_Meta = NULL
 The daeMetaElement that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.

Protected Member Functions

 domNode ()
virtual ~domNode ()
 domNode (const domNode &cpy)
 Copy Constructor.
virtual domNodeoperator= (const domNode &cpy)
 Overloaded assignment operator.

Protected Attributes

xsID attrId
 The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of the node element.
xsNCName attrName
 The name attribute is a text string containing the name of the node element.
domNodeType attrType
 The type attribute indicates the type of the node element.
domLookat_Array elemLookat_array
 Allows the node to express a lookat transform.
domMatrix_Array elemMatrix_array
 Allows the node to express a matrix transform.
domPerspective_Array elemPerspective_array
 Allows the node to express a perspective transform.
domRotate_Array elemRotate_array
 Allows the node to express a rotational transform.
domScale_Array elemScale_array
 Allows the node to express a scale transform.
domSkew_Array elemSkew_array
 Allows the node to express a skew transform.
domTranslate_Array elemTranslate_array
 Allows the node to express a translational transform.
domBoundingbox_Array elemBoundingbox_array
 Allows the node to express a bounding box.
domInstance_Array elemInstance_array
 Allows the node to instantiate another copy of an object.
domNode_Array elemNode_array
 Allows the node to recursively define hierarchy.
domExtra_Array elemExtra_array
 Allows the node to define extra information.
daeElementRefArray _contents
 Used to preserve order in elements that do not specify strict sequencing of sub-elements.

Member Function Documentation

daeElementRef domNode::create daeInt  bytes  )  [static]

Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.

bytes The size allocated for this instance.
a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.

const domBoundingbox_Array& domNode::getBoundingbox_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the boundingbox element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of boundingbox elements.

domBoundingbox_Array& domNode::getBoundingbox_array  )  [inline]

Gets the boundingbox element array.

Returns a reference to the array of boundingbox elements.

const daeElementRefArray& domNode::getContents  )  const [inline]

Gets the _contents array.

Returns a constant reference to the _contents element array.

daeElementRefArray& domNode::getContents  )  [inline]

Gets the _contents array.

Returns a reference to the _contents element array.

const domExtra_Array& domNode::getExtra_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the extra element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of extra elements.

domExtra_Array& domNode::getExtra_array  )  [inline]

Gets the extra element array.

Returns a reference to the array of extra elements.

xsID domNode::getId  )  const [inline]

Gets the id attribute.

Returns a xsID of the id attribute.

const domInstance_Array& domNode::getInstance_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the instance element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of instance elements.

domInstance_Array& domNode::getInstance_array  )  [inline]

Gets the instance element array.

Returns a reference to the array of instance elements.

const domLookat_Array& domNode::getLookat_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the lookat element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of lookat elements.

domLookat_Array& domNode::getLookat_array  )  [inline]

Gets the lookat element array.

Returns a reference to the array of lookat elements.

const domMatrix_Array& domNode::getMatrix_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the matrix element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of matrix elements.

domMatrix_Array& domNode::getMatrix_array  )  [inline]

Gets the matrix element array.

Returns a reference to the array of matrix elements.

xsNCName domNode::getName  )  const [inline]

Gets the name attribute.

Returns a xsNCName of the name attribute.

const domNode_Array& domNode::getNode_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the node element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of node elements.

domNode_Array& domNode::getNode_array  )  [inline]

Gets the node element array.

Returns a reference to the array of node elements.

const domPerspective_Array& domNode::getPerspective_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the perspective element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of perspective elements.

domPerspective_Array& domNode::getPerspective_array  )  [inline]

Gets the perspective element array.

Returns a reference to the array of perspective elements.

const domRotate_Array& domNode::getRotate_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the rotate element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of rotate elements.

domRotate_Array& domNode::getRotate_array  )  [inline]

Gets the rotate element array.

Returns a reference to the array of rotate elements.

const domScale_Array& domNode::getScale_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the scale element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of scale elements.

domScale_Array& domNode::getScale_array  )  [inline]

Gets the scale element array.

Returns a reference to the array of scale elements.

const domSkew_Array& domNode::getSkew_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the skew element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of skew elements.

domSkew_Array& domNode::getSkew_array  )  [inline]

Gets the skew element array.

Returns a reference to the array of skew elements.

const domTranslate_Array& domNode::getTranslate_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the translate element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of translate elements.

domTranslate_Array& domNode::getTranslate_array  )  [inline]

Gets the translate element array.

Returns a reference to the array of translate elements.

domNodeType domNode::getType  )  const [inline]

Gets the type attribute.

Returns a domNodeType of the type attribute.

daeMetaElement * domNode::registerElement  )  [static]

Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.

If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.

A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.

void domNode::setId xsID  atId  )  [inline]

Sets the id attribute.

atId The new value for the id attribute.

void domNode::setName xsNCName  atName  )  [inline]

Sets the name attribute.

atName The new value for the name attribute.

void domNode::setType domNodeType  atType  )  [inline]

Sets the type attribute.

atType The new value for the type attribute.

Member Data Documentation

xsID domNode::attrId [protected]

The id attribute is a text string containing the unique identifier of the node element.

This value must be unique within the instance document. Optional attribute.

xsNCName domNode::attrName [protected]

The name attribute is a text string containing the name of the node element.

Optional attribute.

domNodeType domNode::attrType [protected]

The type attribute indicates the type of the node element.

The default value is 'NODE'. Optional attribute.

domBoundingbox_Array domNode::elemBoundingbox_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a bounding box.

See also:

domExtra_Array domNode::elemExtra_array [protected]

Allows the node to define extra information.

See also:

domInstance_Array domNode::elemInstance_array [protected]

Allows the node to instantiate another copy of an object.

See also:

domLookat_Array domNode::elemLookat_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a lookat transform.

See also:

domMatrix_Array domNode::elemMatrix_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a matrix transform.

See also:

domNode_Array domNode::elemNode_array [protected]

Allows the node to recursively define hierarchy.

See also:

domPerspective_Array domNode::elemPerspective_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a perspective transform.

See also:

domRotate_Array domNode::elemRotate_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a rotational transform.

See also:

domScale_Array domNode::elemScale_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a scale transform.

See also:

domSkew_Array domNode::elemSkew_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a skew transform.

See also:

domTranslate_Array domNode::elemTranslate_array [protected]

Allows the node to express a translational transform.

See also:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • C:/SVN_wf/COLLADA_DOM/include/1.3/dom/domNode.h
  • C:/SVN_wf/COLLADA_DOM/src/1.3/dom/domNode.cpp

©2005 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
Generated on Fri Feb 10 16:49:15 2006 for COLLADA 1.4 DOM by doxygen 1.4.3