COLLADA 1.4 DOM: Class List


COLLADA 1.4 DOM Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
DAEThe DAE class implements a standard interface to the COLLADA runtime database
daeArrayCOLLADA C++ class that implements storage for resizable array containers
daeAtomicTypeThe daeAtomicType class implements a standard interface for data elements in the reflective object system
daeBoolTypeThe daeBoolType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeBool
daebXCePluginThe bXcePlugin class derives from daeIOPlugin and implements an XML input/output backend using bXce as a parser
daebXCeResolverThe daebXCeResolver class derives from daeURIResolver and implements the default XML backend resolver
daeCollectionThe daeCollection class implements a COLLADA runtime database entry
daeDatabaseThe daeDatabase class implements the COLLADA runtime database interface
daeDefaultIDRefResolverThe daeDefaultIDRefResolver resolves a daeIDRef by checking with a database
daeDoubleTypeThe daeDoubleType is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeDouble
daeElementThe daeElement class represents an instance of a COLLADA "Element"; it is the main base class for the COLLADA Dom
daeElementRefTypeThe daeElementRefType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeElementRef
daeEnumTypeThe daeEnumType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeEnum
daeErrorHandlerThe daeErrorHandler class is a plugin that allows the use to overwrite how error and warning messages get handled in the client application
daeFloatTypeThe daeFloatType is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeFloat
daeIDRefThe daeIDRef is a simple class designed to aid in the parsing and resolution of ID references inside of COLLADA elements
daeIDRefResolverThe daeIDRefResolver class is the plugin point for daeIDRef resolution
daeIDResolverTypeThe daeIDResolverType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeIDResolver
daeIntegrationObjectThe daeIntegrationObject class provides methods to translate COLLADA objects to and from application objects
daeInterfaceThe daeInterface class provides an interface with the COLLADA runtime database
daeIntTypeThe daeIntType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeInt
daeIOPluginThe daeIOPlugin class provides the input/output plugin interface, which is the interface between the COLLADA runtime and the backend storage
daeLIBXMLPluginThe daeLIBXMLPlugin class derives from daeIOPlugin and implements an XML input/output backend using libxml2 as a parser
daeLIBXMLResolverThe daeLIBXMLResolver class derives from daeURIResolver and implements the default XML backend resolver
daeLongTypeThe daeLongType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeLong
daeMemorySystemThe daeMemorySystem class is a simple wrapper for memory operations
daeMetaArrayAttributeThe daeMetaArrayAttribute class is simple a wrapper that implements an array of atomic types rather than a singleton
daeMetaAttributeThe daeMetaAttribute class describes one attribute in a C++ COLLADA dom element
daeMetaElementEach instance of the daeMetaElement class describes a C++ COLLADA dom element type
daeMetaElementArrayAttributeThe daeMetaElementArrayAttribute class is similar to daeMetaElementAttribute except that this meta attribute describes an array of elements rather than a singleton
daeMetaElementAttributeThe daeMetaElementAttribute class represents a single attribute whose value is an element
daeRawRefTypeThe daeRawRefType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeRawRef
daeResolverTypeThe daeResolverType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeResolver
daeShortTypeThe daeShortType is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeShort
daeSmartRef< T >The daeSmartRef template class automates reference counting for objects derived from daeElement
daeSTLDatabaseThe daeSTLDatabase class derives from daeDatabase and implements the default database
daeStringRefDefines the daeStringRef class
daeStringRefTypeThe daeStringRefType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeStringRef
daeStringTableThe daeStringTable is a simple string table class to hold a float list of strings without a lot of allocations
daeTArray< T >COLLADA C++ templated version of daeArray for storing items of various types
daeTokenTypeThe daeTokenType class is derived from daeStringRefType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeStringRef, with specialized treatment from the parser
daeUIntTypeThe daeUIntType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeUInt
daeULongTypeThe daeUIntType class is derived from daeAtomicType, and implements the reflective system for objects of type daeUInt
daeURIThe daeURI is a simple class designed to aid in the parsing and resolution of URI references inside COLLADA elements
daeURIResolverThe daeURIResolver class is the plugin point for URI resolution
domAccessorThe accessor element declares an access pattern to one of the array elements: float_array, int_array, Name_array, bool_array, and the generic array element
domAnimationThe animation element categorizes the declaration of animation information
domAnyAllows for weakly typed xml elements
domArrayThe array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of generic data values
domAssetThe asset element defines asset management information regarding its parent element
domAsset::domAuthorThe author element contains the name of an author of the parent element
domAsset::domAuthoring_toolThe authoring_tool element contains the name of an application or tools used to create the parent element
domAsset::domCommentsThe comments element contains descriptive information about the parent element
domAsset::domCopyrightThe copyright element contains the author's copyright information applicable to the parent element
domAsset::domCreatedThe created element contains the date and time that the parent element was created and represented in an ISO 8601 format
domAsset::domKeywordsThe keywords element contains a list of words used as search criteria for the parent element
domAsset::domModifiedThe modified element contains the date and time that the parent element was last modified and represented in an ISO 8601 format
domAsset::domRevisionThe revision element contains the revision information for the parent element
domAsset::domSource_dataThe source_data element contains the URI to the source data from which the parent element was created
domAsset::domSubjectThe subject element contains a description of the topical subject of the parent element
domAsset::domTitleThe title element contains the title information for the parent element
domAsset::domUnitThe unit element contains descriptive information about unit of measure
domAsset::domUp_axisThe up_axis element contains descriptive information about coordinate system of the geometric data
domBool_arrayThe bool_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of Boolean values
domBoundingbox-DEPRECATED- The boundingbox element declares an axially aligned bounding box that encompasses the geometric extent of a node in the scene graph
domBoundingbox::domMaxThe max element contains three floating-point values for the maximum corner of the box
domBoundingbox::domMinThe min element contains three floating-point values for the minimum corner of the box
domCamera::domTechniqueThe camera element contains one or more technique elements that describe its operating parameters for optics and imaging
domChannelThe channel element declares an output channel of an animation
domCodeThe code element declares the executable code for a program element
domCOLLADAThe COLLADA element declares the root of the document that comprises some of the content in the COLLADA schema
domCombinerThe combiner element declares the aggregation of input streams
domCombiner::domVVariable length value element
domControllerThe controller element categorizes the declaration of generic control information
domEntryThe entry element declares an entry point into the executable code for a program element
domEntry::domParamThe entry element may contain zero or more param elements
domExtraThe extra element declares additional information regarding its parent element
domExtra::domTechniqueThe technique element may occur zero or more times
domFloat_arrayThe float_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of floating point values
domGeometryGeometry describes the visual shape and appearance of an object in the scene
domImageImages embody the graphical representation of a scene or object
domInputThe input element declares the input semantics of a data source
domInstanceThe instance element declares the instantiation of a node, an object or the contents of another COLLADA resource
domInt_arrayThe int_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of integer values
domJointsThe joints element declares the association between joint nodes and attribute data
domJoints::domInputThe input element must occur two or more times because there must be at least two things associated with each other
domLibraryThe library element declares a module of elements of a single category
domLightThe light element declares a light source that illuminates the scene
domLinesThe lines element declares the binding of geometric primitives and vertex attributes for a mesh element
domLines::domPPrimitive element
domLinestripsThe linestrips element declares a binding of geometric primitives and vertex attributes for a mesh element
domLinestrips::domPPrimitive element.The first two indices form a line.Each subsequent index extends the line from the previous index
domLookatThe lookat element contains a position and orientation transformation suitable for aiming a camera
domMaterialMaterials describe the visual appearance of a geometric object
domMatrixMatrix transformations embody mathematical changes to points within a coordinate systems or the coordinate system itself
domMeshThe mesh element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe basic geometric meshes
domName_arrayThe Name_array element declares the storage for a homogenous array of symbolic name values
domNodeNodes embody the hierarchical relationship of elements in the scene
domParamThe param element declares parametric information regarding its parent element
domPassA pass describes an algorithm that is executed during a single iteration of the rendering engine
domPass::domInputThe input element may occur zero or more times
domPerspectiveThe perspective element contains the horizontal field of view of the viewer or 'camera'
domPolygonsThe polygons element declares the binding of geometric primitives and vertex attributes for a mesh element
domPolygons::domPPrimitive element.All the indices form a polygon
domPolygons::domP::domHContour Separator
domProgramThe program element declares parameters and program code that executes within the application runtime environment or the graphics pipeline
domRotateThe rotate element contains an angle and a mathematical vector that represents the axis of rotation
domSamplerThe sampler element declares an N-dimensional function
domSampler::domInputThe input element must appear one or more times
domScaleThe scale element contains a mathematical vector that represents the relative proportions of the X, Y and Z axes of a coordinated system
domSceneThe scene embodies the entire set of information that can be visualized from the contents of a COLLADA resource
domShaderShaders describe the process of rendering the appearance of a geometric object
domShader::domTechniqueEach technique element specified corresponds to a (platform) profile
domSkewThe skew element contains an angle and two mathematical vectors that represent the axis of rotation and the axis of translation
domSkinThe skin element contains vertex and primitive information sufficient to describe blend-weight skinning
domSourceThe source element declares a data repository that provides values according to the semantics of an input element that refers to it
domSource::domTechniqueThe technique element must occur one or more times
domTextureTextures embody the visual detail of the surface of a geometric object
domTexture::domTechniqueThe texture element may contain zero or more technique elements
domTexture::domTechnique::domInputThe input element may occur zero or more times
domTranslateThe translate element contains a mathematical vector that represents the distance along the X, Y and Z-axes
domTrianglesThe triangles element declares the binding of geometric primitives and vertex attributes for a mesh element
domTriangles::domPPrimitive element.Every three indices form a triangle
domTrifansThe trifans element declares the binding of geometric primitives and vertex attributes for a mesh element
domTrifans::domPPrimitive element.The 1st three indices form a triangle. Each subsequent index forms an additional triangle reusing the first and previous indices
domTristripsThe tristrips element declares the binding of geometric primitives and vertex attributes for a mesh element
domTristrips::domPPrimitive element.The 1st three indices form a triangle. Each subsequent index forms an additional triangle reusing the previous two indices
domVerticesThe vertices element declares the attributes and identity of mesh-vertices
domVertices::domInputThe input element must occur one or more times
stdErrPluginThe stdErrPlugin class is the default implementation of daeErrorHandler

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Generated on Fri Feb 10 16:46:38 2006 for COLLADA 1.4 DOM by doxygen 1.4.3