COLLADA 1.4 DOM: domCOLLADA Class Reference


domCOLLADA Class Reference

#include <domCOLLADA.h>

Inheritance diagram for domCOLLADA:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for domCOLLADA:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The COLLADA element declares the root of the document that comprises some of the content in the COLLADA schema.

The COLLADA schema is XML based; therefore, it must have a 'document root element' or document entity to be a well-formed XML document.

Public Member Functions

xsAnyURIgetXmlns ()
 Gets the xmlns attribute.
const xsAnyURIgetXmlns () const
 Gets the xmlns attribute.
void setXmlns (const xsAnyURI &xmlns)
 Sets the xmlns attribute.
xsString getVersion () const
 Gets the version attribute.
void setVersion (xsString atVersion)
 Sets the version attribute.
const domAssetRef getAsset () const
 Gets the asset element.
domLibrary_ArraygetLibrary_array ()
 Gets the library element array.
const domLibrary_ArraygetLibrary_array () const
 Gets the library element array.
const domSceneRef getScene () const
 Gets the scene element.

Static Public Member Functions

static daeElementRef create (daeInt bytes)
 Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.
static daeMetaElementregisterElement ()
 Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.

Static Public Attributes

static daeMetaElement_Meta = NULL
 The daeMetaElement that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.

Protected Member Functions

 domCOLLADA ()
virtual ~domCOLLADA ()
 domCOLLADA (const domCOLLADA &cpy)
 Copy Constructor.
virtual domCOLLADAoperator= (const domCOLLADA &cpy)
 Overloaded assignment operator.

Protected Attributes

xsAnyURI attrXmlns
 This element may specify its own xmlns.
xsString attrVersion
 The version attribute is the COLLADA schema revision with which the instance document conforms.
domAssetRef elemAsset
domLibrary_Array elemLibrary_array
domSceneRef elemScene

Member Function Documentation

daeElementRef domCOLLADA::create daeInt  bytes  )  [static]

Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.

bytes The size allocated for this instance.
a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.

const domAssetRef domCOLLADA::getAsset  )  const [inline]

Gets the asset element.

a daeSmartRef to the asset element.

const domLibrary_Array& domCOLLADA::getLibrary_array  )  const [inline]

Gets the library element array.

Returns a constant reference to the array of library elements.

domLibrary_Array& domCOLLADA::getLibrary_array  )  [inline]

Gets the library element array.

Returns a reference to the array of library elements.

const domSceneRef domCOLLADA::getScene  )  const [inline]

Gets the scene element.

a daeSmartRef to the scene element.

xsString domCOLLADA::getVersion  )  const [inline]

Gets the version attribute.

Returns a xsString of the version attribute.

const xsAnyURI& domCOLLADA::getXmlns  )  const [inline]

Gets the xmlns attribute.

Returns a constant xsAnyURI reference of the xmlns attribute.

xsAnyURI& domCOLLADA::getXmlns  )  [inline]

Gets the xmlns attribute.

Returns a xsAnyURI reference of the xmlns attribute.

daeMetaElement * domCOLLADA::registerElement  )  [static]

Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.

If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one.

A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.

void domCOLLADA::setVersion xsString  atVersion  )  [inline]

Sets the version attribute.

atVersion The new value for the version attribute.

void domCOLLADA::setXmlns const xsAnyURI xmlns  )  [inline]

Sets the xmlns attribute.

xmlns The new value for the xmlns attribute.

Member Data Documentation

xsString domCOLLADA::attrVersion [protected]

The version attribute is the COLLADA schema revision with which the instance document conforms.

Required attribute.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • C:/SVN_wf/COLLADA_DOM/include/1.3/dom/domCOLLADA.h
  • C:/SVN_wf/COLLADA_DOM/src/1.3/dom/domCOLLADA.cpp

©2005 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
Generated on Fri Feb 10 16:47:57 2006 for COLLADA 1.4 DOM by doxygen 1.4.3