Editor Options
Display tab
Editor font
As the name implies, this allows you to
select which font you wish to use for the editor. It also
also you to specify how many spaces are used for tabs.
- Visible - The gutter is the left margin of the text editor.
If this is checked, the gutter will be displayed.
- Autosize - The width of the gutter will change to best fit
the text.
- Use custom font - Allows you to specify a gutter font that
is different than the text editor
- Line numbers - If checked, it will display the line numbers
of the text
- Start at zero - Line numbers typically start at 1. If this
box is checked, they will start at 0.
- Show leading Zeros - Left pads 0's to the line numbers (e.g.
0020) to make all line numbers the same width.