Compiler Options - Compiler


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Compiler Options

Compiler tab

Compiler Set

    The first tab in the Compiler Options dialog allows you to specify the name of your compiler set and any additional commands you wish to add to the compiler or makefile instructions. Recall that wxDev-C++ allows you to use different compiler sets to build the same project.

    Note that the name of the compiler set is just a tag. It does not have to be the name of the actual compiler you wish to use. For example, instead of the set name "Default GCC compiler", I can define a compiler set named "Best compiler in the World 1", but use the compiler type of  MingW (i.e. the MingW gcc compiler). The buttons compiler set buttons allow you to add, delete, and rename a compiler set respectively.

    Remember that this configuration window will change the global settings used by all of your projects with this compiler set.  If you want to add custom compiler/linker settings for a particular project and not affect other projects, then you want to go to the Project menu and select Project Options.


Compiler set to configure

    Here, you actually specify which type of compiler you wish to use with this compiler set. The default compiler that comes bundled with wxDev-C++ is MingW gcc.  We also support MS VC 2003, 2005, and 2008 compilers.

Add the following commands when calling compiler

    Here you can specify additional command-line options to be passed to the gcc compiler when compiling your project or file. Check the gcc manual for a list of command-line arguments.

Add these commands to the linker command-line

    Here you can specify options to be passed onto the linker (ld.exe).

Compile delay

    This option is present to provide a delay before compiling. Normally, you will not use this. If make complains of the timestamp being invalid, try specifying a delay here.

Use fast but imperfect dependency generation

    By default, Dev-C++ will check all files and headers for dependancy information, and update the makefile accordingly. If you find that it's taking too much time, you can prevent this by enabling this option.