Editor Options - Code completion


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Editor Options

Code completion tab

Editor Options - Class Browsing - Code Completion
    Code completion allows you to program C/C++ more efficiently. When enabled, code completion will try to offer suggestions for completing your code as you type it. For example, if you were working on a wxFrame project and typed:


in the source code, a dropdown box will appear offering properties and functions that can complete the command. The Delay value in code completion specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) which a user must pause typing for the code completion to be activated. For example, with a delay of 500, the user will have to pause typing for 500 ms (or half a second) before the code completion command is initiated; otherwise, the code completion will be skipped.


Semi-auto complete

You can manually invoke code completion with the key sequence Ctrl+Space.

Code completion cache

    Although code completion is very useful, it takes time to build a list of possible completions to your code. You may be able to speed things up by creating a cache.  The cache is loaded when the IDE starts up (so it takes a longer time to start the IDE) so the IDE parses the single cache file instead of the multiple include files. To add include files to the code completion cache, click on the Add button and select the file to include in the cache.