System Stored Procedures (Tasks) (Level 1)

SQL Server Setup Help

SQL Server Setup Help
System Stored Procedures (Tasks) (Level 1)

Replace the following unsupported Microsoft® SQL Server™ 6.x task-related system stored procedures with the corresponding SQL Server 2000 job-related system stored procedures.

SQL Server 6.x SQL Server 2000
sp_addalert sp_add_alert
sp_addnotification sp_add_notification
sp_addoperator sp_add_operator
sp_dropalert sp_delete_alert
sp_dropnotification sp_delete_notification
sp_dropoperator sp_delete_operator
sp_helpalert sp_help_alert
sp_helphistory sp_help_jobhistory
sp_helpnotification sp_help_notification
sp_helpoperator sp_help_operator
sp_purgehistory sp_purge_jobhistory
sp_runtask sp_start_job
sp_stoptask sp_stop_job
sp_updatealert sp_update_alert
sp_updatenotification sp_update_notification
sp_updateoperator sp_update_operator

Task management has been changed to job management.