How to perform a SQL Server version 6.5 to SQL Server 2000 upgrade using a direct pipeline (SQL Server Upgrade Wizard)

SQL Server Setup Help

SQL Server Setup Help

How to perform a SQL Server version 6.5 to SQL Server 2000 upgrade using a direct pipeline (SQL Server Upgrade Wizard)

Note  To run the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard, you must have an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 already installed on your computer.

To perform a SQL Server version 6.5 to SQL Server 2000 upgrade by named pipe

  1. On the Start menu, point to Programs/Microsoft SQL Server-Switch, click SQL Server Upgrade Wizard, and then click Next.

  2. In the Data and Object Transfer screen, accept the default selections, including Named pipe, and then click Next. Verification options are recommended, but not required. Click Help for information.

  3. On the Logon screen, in the Server name box in the Export server (6.5) group box, enter the name of the local or remote computer on which Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 is installed.

    In the Administrator password ('sa') box, enter the sa password for SQL Server 6.5, and then click Next. Unless you have changed it, the system administrator password for SQL Server 2000 is blank.

    For Import Server (2000), the server name is filled in. Enter the optional startup arguments, if you want. Click Help for information. When you are finished setting options, click Next.

  4. In the message box asking if you want to continue, click Yes if you are ready to upgrade. The SQL Server Upgrade Wizard shuts down SQL Server 6.5 and starts SQL Server 2000.

  5. In the Code Page Selection screen, accept or change the default settings, and then click Next.

  6. In the Database Selection screen, include the databases to upgrade. Move any databases you do not want upgraded at this time to the Exclude list, and then click Next.

    Converting all databases is recommended.

  7. In the Database Creation dialog box, select Use the default configuration or edit the default, and then click Next.

    Click Edit to examine and make changes to the proposed disk configuration within the layout utility. In the Proposed Database Layout box, make changes as needed. Click Advanced to view Object Details and Drive Summary. When you are finished, click Accept to return to the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard.

  8. In the System Configuration screen, in System objects to transfer, select the object types to transfer from SQL Server 6.5 to SQL Server 2000:
    • Server configuration

      Login and remote login registrations and server configuration options relevant to SQL Server 2000 are transferred as part of the version upgrade.

    • Replication settings

      All articles, subscriptions and publications of each selected database, plus the distribution database, if any, are transferred and upgraded.

    • SQL Executive settings

      All tasks scheduled by SQL Executive are transferred and upgraded so that SQL Server 2000 can schedule and run those tasks in SQL Server Agent.

  9. In the System Configuration screen, in Advanced settings, for ANSI Nulls, select:
    • Off, if ANSI nulls should not be used when stored procedures are created. This is the default.

    • On, if ANSI nulls should be used when stored procedures are created.
  10. In Quoted identifiers, select one of these options, and then click Next:
    • Mixed (or don't know), if some of your objects were created with QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set to ON and others with it set to OFF, or if you are not sure how they were created.

    • Off, if all objects should be compiled with QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set to OFF.

    • On, if all objects should be compiled with QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set to ON.
  11. In the Completing the SQL Server Wizard screen, view the summary of choices you have made. Click View warnings and choices in notepad to open a text version of the upgrade script. If all options are correct, click Finish.

The SQL Server Upgrade Script Interpreter screen appears, with information on the progress of the upgrade.

See Also

Order of Upgrade Using a Direct Pipeline or Tape Drive