ODBC (Level 4)

SQL Server Setup Help

SQL Server Setup Help
ODBC (Level 4)
SQL Server 6.x SQL Server 2000
In the version 2.65 ODBC driver, the long-running query interval, specified by calling SQLSetConnectOption with the driver-specific connection option SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL, was specified in seconds. The SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL value is specified in milliseconds.

Expect different results as compared to earlier versions of Microsoft® SQL Server™. Multiply the value of SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL by 1,000 to convert the number of seconds to milliseconds. For more information about SQL_COPT_SS_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL, see SQLSetConnectAttr.

For earlier versions of the ODBC SQL Server driver, messages from consecutive PRINT, RAISERROR, DBCC, or similar statements (in a batch or stored procedure) were combined into a single result set. For the ODBC SQL Server 3.51-compliant driver (included with SQL Server 2000), messages from consecutive PRINT, RAISERROR, DBCC, or similar statements (in a batch or stored procedure) are returned in a separate result set for each statement.

Expect different results as compared to earlier versions of SQL Server. Call SQLMoreResults to process the result set from each statement.

Earlier versions of the ODBC SQL Server driver returned SQL_SUCCESS when executing a searched UPDATE or DELETE statement that affects no rows (using SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, or SQLParamData). SQLRowCount returned zero. When an ODBC version 3.x application uses the ODBC SQL Server 3.5 driver included with this release, it returns SQL_NO_DATA when executing a searched UPDATE or DELETE statement that affects no rows (using SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, or SQLParamData). SQLRowCount still returns zero.

Expect different results as compared to earlier versions of SQL Server. Handle SQL_NO_DATA appropriately.