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Additional sounds: External

Typing Sounds

Vintage clicks and other sounds are triggered when you press

  1. Space
  2. Enter
  3. Backspace or Delete
  4. all other keys

On the Misc - Tab of Preferences:

  • Press PLAY-button to preview chosen Typing Sound
  • Adjust volume independently from overall PC-volume


Press ALT+S to toggle Typing Sounds ON/OFF


Whitenoise is like white light, the conglomerate of all light frequencies.
Whitenoise is what we hear when there is a lot of background noise of various sources. The sound of a river, of wind in the trees, of heavy rain ...

The positive effects of these sounds on the writing process can be twofold:

  1. they are very comforting and even have a kind of hypnotic effect
  2. they mask out other sounds, especially spoken words, even when played in a very low volume. Imagine writing in a café with your laptop and not wanting to be disturbed by conversations around you. Pop up your ear pieces, activate Whitenoise and you are in the zone again :)

These sounds play in an endless loop

  • CTRL+W to toggle ON/OFF
  • CTLR+SHIFT+W to step through sounds like ...
    • Ocean waves
    • Wilderness River, Rapids, Waterfall
    • Rain
    • Morning Birds
    • DreamForest

To add your own sounds (and have them play in an endless loop)

  • simply copy your sound files into WM's subfolder sounds
  • supported file formats: .ogg and .mp3

Please support the ongoing development of Writemonkey

WriteMonkey version | This helpfile last updated on Aug 29, 2012 --- Stefan Müller