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  • press CTRL+F4 to lock to a certain scroll position within your text
  • then hold down F4 to peep at this location

Typewriter Scrolling toggle with CTRL+L

  • keeps your current writing line fixed at its vertical position. Instead of the line moving down, text will scroll up
  • Status - section of Info Bar will display an equal sign '=' if switched on
  • to also keep your horizontal spot fixed: CTRL+SHIFT+L for caret centering

Blind Scrolling refers to holding down the left mouse on either side of the text column

  • Upper Half scrolls upwards, lower half scrolls downwards
  • Up and Down areas depend on your margin-settings on the Layout-Tab


When blind scrolling

  • hit CTRL to jump a page up or down
  • release to scroll one line at a time again
  • ALT+scroll will treat the scroll border like a regular scrollbar
  • ALT+click will transport you to the exact spot on an imaginary vertical 1-100% ruler
  • Clicking on top or bottom will do the same as CTRL-Home and CTRL-End

Scroll Indicator Settings:


Scrolling with the Keyboard
CTRL+, (comma) scroll up
CTRL+. (period) scroll down
CTRL+SHIFT+, scroll one page up
CTRL+SHIFT+. scroll one page down
This will not move the caret position (in contrast to PgUp and PgDown)
ALT+SPACE return to current caret/cursor position
CTRL+SPACE center caret/cursor on middle of screen
CTRL+PgUp position caret on top of screen page
CTRL+PgDown position caret on bottom of screen page
CTRL+HOME position caret on top of document
CTRL+END position caret on bottom of document
Zooming + Layout
Ctrl Wheel Zoom text + column width
Shift Wheel Zoom text only (keep column width)
Alt Wheel Adjust column width only (keep text size)
CTRL+ALT+LEFT Shrink text column
CTRL+ALT+RIGHT Widen text column
CTRL+ALT+Up Zoom in
CTRL+ALT+Down Zoom out
CTRL+0 (zero) Reset to default

WriteMonkey version | This helpfile last updated on Aug 29, 2012 --- Stefan Müller