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A place to store your notes, unfinished parts, data clippings, URL's
- you can think of it as the backside of the paper you're writing on
- headings, bookmarks, comments - everything works like in the main section
- its content is excluded
- when merging files
- from Word Count and Progress Statistics unless the repository is active
- from Print+Export unless the repository is active
To activate:
Main Window: ALT+R or F5 , both work as toggles
Jumps Window:
Press buttons in lower left to switch from the Main Section to the Repository
To see immediately if you are in the repository
- enable inverse colors on the Misc-Tab
- put the Status section onto your Info Bar
- it will display 'Rep' if you are in repository mode
- it will display a plus-sign '+' if the repository contains text
- put Notices onto your Info Bar
- it will briefly show Repository has content upon loading a file
- it will briefly show Repository on when you switch over to the repository
Independent from the main section, the repository will keep and recall its own
- Segment Focus (if applicable)
- Scroll and caret position
CTRL+M moves/cuts selected text to the repository
- if nothing is selected, the whole paragraph is moved over
- Writemonkey precedes each of your snippets with the line:
// moved from main text: Date_Time //
The format for this date-time stamp is taken from here:
More about formatting dates and timeDate+Time
To remove the text that Writemonkey has inserted (but still keep your own comments):
- Press CTRL+F to open Find + Replace
- Activate the checkbox 'Use Regular Expressions'
- Enter the following parameters: //.+?//
Where is it stored?
The repository is part of the file it belongs to. When you open that file with another editor, you will notice the line
this seperates the repository from the main text:
Categories: Navigating | Writing
Related topics: Comments | ToDo Notes
WriteMonkey version | This helpfile last updated on Aug 29, 2012 --- Stefan Müller