Provider Overview

Feature Data Objects API

Provider Overview

The following RDBMS-based and file-based FDO providers are included. The full provider name is listed here; subsequent references in this document may use a shortened name. Autodesk® providers are only included with commercial Autodesk software. Open source providers are also part of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).

Provider Name Description
OSGeo FDO Provider for ArcSDE Read/write access to feature data in an ESRI ArcSDE-based data store (that is, with an underlying Oracle or SQL Server database). Supports describing schema, and inserting, selecting, updating, and deleting feature data in existing schemas; does not support creating or deleting schemas.
OSGeo FDO Provider for MySQL Read/write access to feature data in a MySQL-based data store. Supports spatial data types and spatial query operations. Custom API can gather information, transmit exceptions, list data stores, and create connection objects. MySQL architecture supports various storage engines, characteristics, and capabilities.
OSGeo FDO Provider for ODBC Read/write to feature data in a ODBC-based data store. Supports XYZ feature objects and can define feature classes for any relational database table with X, Y, and optionally, Z columns; does not support creating or deleting schema. Object locations are stored in separate properties in the object definition.
OSGeo FDO Provider for SDF Read-write access to feature data in an SDF-based data store. Autodesk’s geospatial file format, SDF, supports multiple features/attributes, provides high performance for large data sets, and interoperability with other Autodesk products. Supports spatial indexing and is a valid alternative to database storage. Note that this release of the SDF provider supports version 3.0 of the SDF file format.
OSGeo FDO Provider for SHP Read/write access to existing spatial and attribute data in an ESRI SHP-based data store, which consists of separate shape files for geometry, index, and attributes. Each SHP file and its associated DBF file is treated as a feature class with a single geometry property. This is a valid alternative to database storage but does not support locking.
OSGeo FDO Provider for WFS Read-only access to feature data in an OGC WFS-based data store. Supports a client/server environment and retrieves geospatial data encoded in GML from one or more Web Feature Services sites. Client/server communication is encoded in XML with the exception of feature geometries, which are encoded in GML. Note that there is no public API documentation for this provider; all WFS functionality is accessible through the base FDO API.
OSGeo Provider for WMS Read-only to feature data in an OGC WMS-based data store. Web Map Service (WMS) produces maps of spatially referenced data dynamically from geographic information, which are generally rendered in PNG, GIF, or JPEG, or as vector-based Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) or Web Computer Graphics Metafile (WebCGM) formats.
Autodesk FDO Provider for Oracle Read/write access to feature data in an Oracle-based data store. Supports spatial indexing, long transactions, and persistent locking. Custom API can gather provider information, transmit client services exceptions, list data stores, and create connection objects.
Autodesk FDO Provider for Raster Read-only access to feature data in a raster-based file format. Supports various image and GIS data formats (for example, JPEG, PNG, MrSID, and others). Supports georeferenced file-based raster images and file-based grid coverages. Pixel-based images, such as satellite images, are useful underneath vector data.
Autodesk FDO Provider for SQL Server Read/write access to feature data in a Microsoft SQL Server-based data store. A custom API supports schema read/write access and geospatial and non-geospatial data read/write access.