The connection is made using sqlplus between an Oracle instance on an XP machine and an Oracle client on a RHEL3 Linux machine. The XP machine is protected by a corporate firewall, which allows inbound connections on port 1521. The behavior of Oracle was modified using regedit to cause all traffic including connection requests to go through port 1521. In regedit create a new string value whose name is USE_SHARED_SOCKET and whose value is TRUE. Create this value in the folder My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb10g_home1. The folder name KEY_OraDb10g_home1 may be different on your machine.
The sqlplus command is as follows.
SQL> connect sys/test@R10102 as sysdba
‘R10102’ is the net service name in the tnsnames.ora file. ‘test’ is the password for the ‘sys’ account in the Oracle instance on the XP machine.