Get the Installer
Use the following information to get the installer used to install a Oracle 10g client on Linux.
- Go to
- Click FREE DOWNLOAD Download Oracle Database 10g Release 2
- Click Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( Client for Linux x86
- Click the checkbox labeled YES, I accept the License Terms and Export Restrictions and I acknowledge that I have reviewed and understood the agreement and agree to use the language I selected in entering into this agreement.
- Click I Accept underneath the text box containing the licence agreement. This takes you to
- Click ship.client.lnx32.cpio.gz which is located under the label Oracle Database 10g Client Release 1 ( for Linux x86. This will download the file to your Linux machine into your home account.
- yourAccount> gunzip ship.client.lnx32.cpio.gz
- yourAccount> cpio -idmv ship.client.lnx32.cpio
- yourAccount> su - root
- root> mkdir -p /app/oracle
- root> chown -R oracle:oinstall /app/oracle
- root> chmod -R 755 /app/oracle
- root> chown -R oracle:oinstall Disk1
- root> chmod -R 755 Disk1
- root> mv Disk1 /home/oracle/
- Exit from root
- root> su - oracle
- oracle> ORACLE_BASE=/app/oracle
- oracle> export ORACLE_BASE
- oracle> TEMP=/tmp
- oracle> TMPDIR=/tmp
- oracle> export TEMP TMP
- oracle> unset ORACLE_HOME
- oracle> unset TNS_ADMIN