Use the Net Configuration Assistant to add a local service name. This name represents a database running on a host. You will use this name in two ways. The first way is as the value for the Service property when connecting to the FDO Provider for Oracle. The second way is in a sqlplus connect string.
This procedure can be used to configure a service name for a local database or for a remote one. This example configures a service name for the local database whose installation is described above.
Select Net Configuration Assistant from
the menu path StartPrograms
- OraDb10g_home1
Configuration and Migration
Use the assistant to add a Local Net Service Name Configuration. The assistant recommends that you use the Global Database Name as the service name. You will recall that we assigned ‘’ as the Global Database Name. Use TCP as the protocol value. Use 1521 as the port value. Use the symbolic name of your host as the host value.
Verify that the service name is configured by locating an entry for it in the tnsnames.ora file and by connecting to it using sqlplus.
Edit the tnsnames.ora file in C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN. You will an entry for R10102 or whatever name that you actually used for the service. The entry will look like the following.
To verify that you can connect to the service, execute the following commands in a cmd.exe window.
- sqlplus/nolog
- sqlplus>connect sys/test@r10102 as sysdba
Occasionally you may get an ORA-12638 error whose message is Credential retrieval failed. A system restart should fix this.
You are now ready to try connecting to the service using the Fdo Oracle provider.