Configure the Oracle Account

Feature Data Objects API

Configure the Oracle Account

The installer was unbundled in a user’s directory. It must be run from the oracle account. Move the installer directory to the oracle and change the user and group ownwership to oracle and oinstall. Login as the oracle user.

  1. [root] # chown -R oracle:oinstall Disk1
  2. [root] # mv Disk1 /home/oracle/

The following commands were run.

  1. The [oracle] # echo $SHELL result is /bin/bash.
  2. The line umask 022was added to .bash_profile.
  3. The new umask value was added to the environment: . ./.bash_profile.
  4. [oracle] # ORACLE_BASE=/app/oracle
  5. [oracle] # ORACLE_SID=r10103
  6. [oracle] # export ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_SID
  7. [oracle] # unset ORACLE_HOME
  8. [oracle] # unset TNS_ADMIN