Configure the Oracle Account
The installer was unbundled in a user’s directory. It must be run from the oracle account. Move the installer directory to the oracle and change the user and group ownwership to oracle and oinstall. Login as the oracle user.
- [root] # chown -R oracle:oinstall Disk1
- [root] # mv Disk1 /home/oracle/
The following commands were run.
- The [oracle] # echo $SHELL result is /bin/bash.
- The line umask 022was added to .bash_profile.
- The new umask value was added to the environment: . ./.bash_profile.
- [oracle] # ORACLE_BASE=/app/oracle
- [oracle] # ORACLE_SID=r10103
- [oracle] # export ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_SID
- [oracle] # unset ORACLE_HOME
- [oracle] # unset TNS_ADMIN