Run the Installer
- oracle> Disk1/runInstaller
- Click Nextto
go to the Specify File Locations screen.NoteThe source is /home/oracle/Disk1/stage/products.xml, and the destination is /app/oracle/OraHome_1.
- Click Next to go to the Select Installation Type screen. For this exercise the Runtime installation type was selected.
- Click Next to go to the Summary screen. Review the list of products that will be installed.
- Click Install to go to the Install screen. The installer shows progress on this screen.
- The
installer ran the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.
Click Finish.NoteThis step creates a sqlnet.ora file where the value (TNSNAMES, EZConnect) is assigned to the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter.
- The installer halted to request that a script be run as root. The dialog displayed the following message. A configuration script needs to be run as root before installation can proceed. Leaving this window open, open another window and run ‘/app/oracle/oraHome_1/ as root, then return to this window and click OK to continue. This script writes three files, dbhome, oraenv, and coraenv to /usr/local/bin. It also writes an entry in /etc/oratab. This entry specifies that no databases should be brought up at system reboot time.
- The installer was authorized to continue, and it completed.