Run the Installer

Feature Data Objects API

Run the Installer
  1. oracle> Disk1/runInstaller
  2. Click Nextto go to the Specify File Locations screen.
    NoteThe source is /home/oracle/Disk1/stage/products.xml, and the destination is /app/oracle/OraHome_1.
  3. Click Next to go to the Select Installation Type screen. For this exercise the Runtime installation type was selected.
  4. Click Next to go to the Summary screen. Review the list of products that will be installed.
  5. Click Install to go to the Install screen. The installer shows progress on this screen.
  6. The installer ran the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant. Click Finish.
    NoteThis step creates a sqlnet.ora file where the value (TNSNAMES, EZConnect) is assigned to the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter.
  7. The installer halted to request that a script be run as root. The dialog displayed the following message. A configuration script needs to be run as root before installation can proceed. Leaving this window open, open another window and run ‘/app/oracle/oraHome_1/ as root, then return to this window and click OK to continue. This script writes three files, dbhome, oraenv, and coraenv to /usr/local/bin. It also writes an entry in /etc/oratab. This entry specifies that no databases should be brought up at system reboot time.
  8. The installer was authorized to continue, and it completed.