Spatial Context API

Feature Data Objects API

Spatial Context API

The following table defines default values for the spatial context properties for the providers (MySQL and SDF) that support the creation of a data store and example sets of spatial context properties extracted from ODBC, WFS, and WMS sources created by a non-FDO process.

Properties/Provider MySQL ODBC SDF WFS WMS Notes
Coordinate system Cartesian Cartesian Cartesian EPSG:4326 EPSG:4326 1
Extent type Static Static Dynamic Static Static 2
Unit dimension XY XY Undefined XY XY 4
XY tolerance .001 .001 0 .01 .001 5
Z tolerance .001 .001 0 .01 .001 5
Active False F True F F 6
  1. EPSG:4326 is a Layer Coordinate Reference System (CRS) as defined in the OpenGIS Web Map Service (WMS) Implementation Specification, OGC 04-024, version 1.3, dated August 2, 2004.
  2. A static extent type means that the extent is defined at the time of the creation of the spatial context using the FdoICreateSpatialContext command. A dynamic extent type means that the extent may change as features are added so that it always encloses all of the features.
  3. The default extents expressed in AGF text format for the various providers are as follows:
    • MySQL, : POLYGON ((-2000000 -2000000, 2000000 -2000000, 2000000 2000000, -2000000 2000000, -2000000 -2000000))
  4. The dimensionality is that of the extent. It is not set directly.
  5. See Tolerance.
  6. ArcSDE and MySQL providers can have multiple spatial contexts defined and can, therefore, show contexts in the reader that are not active.