This topic describes installation of the Developer Edition from a CD. You must install .NET Framework 2.0 first. Then do the following.
NoteDuring initialization
the installer complained that it could not find an application to
open the splash.hta file.
A google on ‘splash.hta’ yielded the suggestion to try C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshta.exe.
This worked.
- Accept the EULA.
- Select the components to install. For this exercise datbase services, analysis services, and workstation components were installed. Reporting Services, Notification Services, and Integration Services were not.
- Select the instance name. The default (MSSQLSERVER) was chosen.
- Select a service account. A domain user account was supplied.
- Select the services to be started upon completion of the setup. SQL Server and Analysis Services were chosen.
- Select the authentication mode. Windows authentication mode was selected.
- Select the collation setting. The default SQL Collation was left selected. This is described as dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use with 1252 Character Set.
- Install
the components. The components installed are:
- SQL Server Setup Support Files
- SQL Server Native Client
- SQL VSS Writer (service for backup and restore)
- OWC11 (a component for publishing database content to the web)
- Backward compatibility files
- Database Services
- Analysis Services
- SQL Server Books Online
- Workstation Componnents
NoteThe first installation
failed to install all of the expected tools. The second installation
succeeded after uninstalling the SQL Server Mobile Edition that
had been installed by the Visual Studio 2005 installer.