Get the Installer
Use the following information to get the installer used to install Oracle 10g on Linux. You can install the full database, the client, or the instant client. The following steps describe how to get the installer used to install the full database.
- Go to
- Click FREE DOWNLOAD Download Oracle Database 10g Release 2
- Click Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( for Linux x86
- Click the checkbox labeled YES, I accept the License Terms and Export Restrictions and I acknowledge that I have reviewed and understood the agreement and agree to use the language I selected in entering into this agreement.
- Click I Accept the licence agreement. This takes you to
- Click ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz . This will download the file to your Linux machine. The following two instructions taken from the web page unbundle the cpio file into a directory called Disk1in your home account on your Linux machine.
- linuxTerminal> gunzip ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz
- linuxTerminal> cpio –idmv < ship.db.lnx32.cpio