File Formats Supported by Raster Provider

Feature Data Objects API

File Formats Supported by Raster Provider

The following file formats are supported by the Raster Provider.

Format File Extension Description
JPEG .jpg, .jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPG2K .jp2, .j2p, .j2c, .j2k, .jpc, .jpk Joint Photographic Experts Group
MrSID .sid Multi-Resolution Seamless Image Database
PNG .png Portable Network Graphic
TIFF .tif, .tiff Tagged Image File Format
DEM .dem Digital Elevation Model
ECW .ecw Enhanced Compressed Wavelet
DTED .dt0, dt1, .dt2 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (Windows Only)
ESRI Grid .asc, .adf ESRI ASCII and Binary Grid Files (Windows Only)
NITF .ntf National Imagery Transmission Format (Windows Only)