Create a Database

Feature Data Objects API

Create a Database

Select Database Configuration Assistant from the menu path StartProgramsOracle - OraDb10g_home1Configuration and Migration Tools.

In step 3 Database Identification when you type a fully qualified name (<root>.domainname) in the text box labeledGlobal Database Name, you will see the <root> of that fully qualified name appear in the text box labeledSID (Oracle System Identifier). The fully qualifed name used for this example is ‘’.

NoteKeep the root of the fully qualified name to 8 characters or less. Oracle will truncate the root name for some purposes and not others. Save yourself some confusion.

In the step that creates the system accounts, use the default accounts (SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP, and SYSMAN). You can create your own accounts later using the Fdo User Manager API. Be sure to specify a password for the default accounts. This example uses ‘test’ for the password.

Verify that the database and database console services are running.

Click on theServices icon in the Administrative Tools folder. The access path is StartProgramsSettingsControl PanelAdministrative Tools. In the Services window, you will see two services whose names are something like OracleServiceR10102 and OracleDBConsoler10102. Each should have a status of Started.