Open Project
On the Project menu, click Open/Create Project.
The SayMore dialog box appears with a list of recently-open projects (below Open).
Use Browse for project to find other projects.
Do one of the following to open a project:
Click the project you want to open.
Browse for project, find the project you want to open, and then click Open.
If you hover your mouse pointer over a project name in the SayMore dialog box, a pop-up tool tip appears. It displays the path (URL) to the project. Notice that projects are <name>.sprj files.
You could make a desktop shortcut to the <name>.sprj file and launch the project from that shortcut. (Refer to your Operating System's Help system.)
The SayMore dialog box shows the SayMore version number and build date. Include them when you get more help.
See Also: Folder structure and Move or copy a project folder.