How SayMore uses file names
Informative, consistent file names are very important in language documentation. They help you know what you have and don't have, and they will help consumers of your material in the future.
SayMore aims to help you with the task of keeping your files properly named.
This can begin, for example, when you import a media file using New From Device. SayMore first includes the Id of each session in the file name, which is usually some uninformative code made up by your recording device, like "ZOOM0003". Next, when you change that Id to something fitting your own scheme, SayMore goes through all the files in the session and replaces all the old Ids with the new one.
As you add new files to the session or person, you can tell SayMore to rename them to fit their purpose. SayMore uses correctly renamed files to update your progress information, stages of completion and visual indicators.
Rename dialog box option |
Addition to file name |
Source |
Consent |
Careful |
OralTranslation |
Transcription |
Translation |
In the Rename dialog box, hover your mouse pointer over an option (link) to see a brief description.