Archive a session
This topic is intended for archiving a session with RAMP (to REAP) or using IMDI (to TLA). For other archives, you need to communicate with them to learn what you need to do.
Make sure all these metadata are as complete and accurate as possible:
Session metadata (particularly the Access selection) for each session.
Click the
Sessions tab.
In the Sessions (left) pane, click the session.
Right-click that session or click the Session menu, and then click
Archive with RAMP (SIL) or click Archive using IMDI.
If this is the first archive activity since the project was moved or copied, an error message will appear and state that the path was not found. SayMore will offer you a new path with the option to change to that path.
The SayMore: Archive using RAMP (SIL Only) or the SayMore: Archive using IMDI dialog box opens.
Do the following in the SayMore: Archive using RAMP (SIL Only) dialog box:
Click 1) Create Package.
A temporary package (deleted after RAMP receives it) is created.
If Ready to hand the package to RAMP appears, click 2) Launch RAMP.
The RAMP program starts.
Follow the steps in the RAMP window.
Do the following in the SayMore: Archive using IMDI dialog box:
If necessary, click the Change Folder link to choose a different location for the IMDI package.
Click Create Package.
These messages appear:
Saving files in IMDI package.
Exported to <name>.imdi. This path is now on your clipboard. If you are using Arbil, go to File, Import, then paste this path in.
Click Close.
Use Arbil or a similar program to continue.