Change Language
Click the
Project tab, and then click About This Project.
The right pane displays project metadata fields (more).
Click the Content Language link that is associated with the Content Language or Working Language.
The Lookup Language Code dialog box appears.
In the search box, type the name of the content or working language.
If you see the language click it.
If you do not see the language, type another name for the language if you know one. Otherwise, click the Can't find your language? link to search or to learn more about language codes.
If the language is not listed, type a question mark (?) in the search box to display Unlisted Language code qaa.
If necessary, edit the language name in the box that is in the lower-right corner of the dialog box, considering ISO-639 standards.
You need to do this to make the OK button available if you use an unlisted language.
Click OK.
The code and name appear above the associated link. For example seh: Sena.
The Working Language is usually a Language of Wider Communication. It is used, for example, for Free Translations in annotations and in Written Translations.