More Fields


More Fields

In the Sessions tab, the Session tab displays More Fields. These fields and their values are IMDI metadata elements for session descriptions. See Also: User Interface terms - Sessions tab.

  • Location project metadata are copied to corresponding Location fields (below) when you add a session.



Researcher Involvement

Select one of the following:

  • <blank> - unknown or unspecified.

  • Elicited - Investigator asks speaker(s) to produce isolated phonemes/ words/ utterances/grammatical structures.

  • Non-elicited - The researcher does not interfere verbally with the speech event (other than the researcher's mere presence).

  • No observer - No outside observer is present.

Location Country

A closed (controlled) vocabulary list of country names is used. Select one.

Location Continent

A closed (controlled) vocabulary list of continent names is used. Select one.

Location Region

The region or sub-region of where the session was recorded or originated. Type the region or sub-region.

Location Address

The address where the session was recorded or originated. Type the address.

Planning Type

A closed (controlled) vocabulary list from which you can choose Spontaneous, Semi-spontaneous or Planned to indicate how this session came to happen.


The conventionalized discourse sub-types of the content of the session. Type the sub-genre. See also: Genre.

Social Context

Select one of the following:

  • <blank> - unknown or unspecified.

  • Family - The access to the communication event is restricted to relatives.

  • Private - The access to the communication event is restricted to specific individuals of the social environment.

  • Public - The access to the communication event is allowed to whoever, in a free or in a regulated manner.

  • Controlled Environment - The access to the communication event undergoes the agreement to elicit a linguistic behavior.


  • For more information, see:

Related Topics


Concepts overview

Metadata (IMDI)