Enter file metadata
Click the tab that has the file.
In the left pane, click one of the following:
Project tab - Descriptive Documents or Other Documents
Sessions tab - a session
People tab - a person.
In the right pane, click the file.
If a Properties tab appears, click it, and then do any of the following:
For video (
) or audio (
) files, click
Presets, and then select the device or microphone, if it has already been used in the project.
Alternatively, do the following:
In a Device row, type or edit a distinguishing identification for the device (video camera, recording equipment, and so on) used to make the file.
In a Microphone row, type distinguishing identification (microphone plugged into the input.
More Information to see more information.
For other Field and Value columns, such as for image (
) files, do the following:
Click an empty Field column cell, and then type a new name for the metadata you will type in the Value cell. Then, click the Value cell and type the metadata. Repeat this for each kind of metadata you need for the file.
Edit exiting Field or Value data.
If other rows appear, and are editable, enter or edit the metadata for each cell as necessary.
If it appears, use the Contributors tab.
If a
Notes tab appears, click it, and then type additional notes about the file in a prose form (optional).
When you add files, different file types (image, audio, video, document and so on) have different metadata. Typically, some metadata that is specific to the audio or video file is automatically added when create a new session from a device, or you extract the audio from a video file. Such metadata is not editable, and appears with a lighter font.
Contributors and
Notes tabs only appear with parent files, not subordinate files (example).
means the tab has existing content.
means the tab is empty.
Asterisks indicate that SayMore added a Warning to the Notes tab, such as for an ambiguous date format in the metadata. In this case, follow the instructions given in the Warning message.