static const int | SUCCESS |
| No error.
static const int | EFAILED |
| General failure.
static const int | ENOMEMORY |
| Out of memory.
static const int | EBADCLASS |
| NULL class object.
static const int | EBADPARM |
| Invalid parameter.
static const int | EITEMBUSY |
| Context (system, interface, etc.) is busy.
static const int | NET_SUCCESS |
| No network error, successful operation.
static const int | NET_ERROR |
| Unsuccessful operation.
static const int | NET_ENETNONET |
| Network subsystem unavailable.
static const int | NET_MSGSIZE |
| Message too long. A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram was smaller than the datagram itself.
static const int | NET_ENOTCONN |
Photon library error codes - can be returned as operationcode in callbacks, if the returncode indicates an error