Role Wizard

MaQS Admin

MaQs       Role


Every user of MaQS (operator), is assigned to a role. Each role determines access to different parts of MaQS.

e.g. CSSD operators can print labels and theatre operators can assign items to patients but not vice versa.

Some examples of roles and access levels commonly used are:

·Administrator - Full access (Each administrator should have their own ID and password).
·Supervisor - Access to add instruments and packs, operators, print labels, do store adjustments and create look up files. (Each supervisor should have their own ID and password).
·Sterilising Operator - Access limited to print labels and hand held functions involving the sterilising process.
·Theatre Operator - Access to Hand held functions related to patients.


Enter the search criteria in the Search Text field or directly click search to show all records.


Select Add Role to create new records.

Select View/Edit to view or edit records.

Select Assign Permission to set permission to each role.

Select Close to close the form.