Add Cost Centre

MaQS Admin

MaQs       Add Cost Centre



The following form will appear after clicking Add Cost Centre.


Cost Centre information is used for recording who will be charged for packs. They may be an internal department, external customer or individual doctors or surgeons.

Each cost centre must have an Account Number (this code can be the same as used by the finance department) and requires a location name.

An option is available to nominate an account as an External customer.


* Mandatory fields are highlighted in yellow.


Account Number

The Account Number can be numbers or alphabets and is limited to 20 characters long.

Cost Centre

The Cost Centre is limited to 50 characters long.

This is an EXTERNAL Customer

Select if it is a external customer.

This Cost Centre is Inactive

Select if the cost centre is no longer available. If making the cost centre inactive, the linked store location will also be inactive.

Provide audit trail for every single change.


When all records have been added, click Save.