Add Supplier

MaQS Admin

MaQs       Add Supplier


The following form will appear after clicking Add Supplier.


* Mandatory fields are highlighted in yellow.



Australian Business Number.

Supplier for Catalogued Stock and Non stock Items

Supplier will supply both stock and non-stock items if select.

Supplier Code

The unique Supplier Code can be numbers or alphabets and is limited to 20 characters long.

Supplier Name

The Supplier Name is limited to 50 characters long.

Customer/Account Code

Customer account number.

Available for Tracking System(s)

Supplier will be active only in selected tracking system

Address, Suburb, State, Country

Address details.

Contact, Phone, Mobile, Email

Contact details.

This Supplier is Inactive

Select if the supplier is no longer available.

Provide audit trail for every single change.


If select inventory as a tracking system, then Delivery Cost settings will appear.



Min. Purchase Order Cost ($)

The purchase order will be processed only if it is above the minimum purchase order.

Freight ($)

Postage and handling cost.