Private Property

Microsoft Office Visual Basic

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Returns or sets an integer that identifies the Office Assistant balloon that initiated the callback procedure. Read/write Long.


This property is helpful if you run the same callback procedure from more than one balloon.


This example identifies the Office Assistant balloon by setting the Private property to 129.

Set printerOrientation = Assistant.NewBalloon
With printerOrientation     .Heading = " Print portrait or landscape?"
     .Text = "Click OK when you've selected the " & _
        "printer orientation."
    .Labels(1).Text = "Portrait"
    .Labels(2).Text = "Landscape"
    .BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons
    .Mode = msoModeModeless
    .Button = msoButtonSetOK
    .Private = 129
    .Callback = "PortraitOrLandscape "
End With