expression.SetSortOrder(SortField1, SortAscending1, SortField2, SortAscending2, SortField3, SortAscending3)
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
SortField1 Required String. The first field on which to sort the mail merge data.
SortAscending1 Optional Boolean. True (default) to perform an ascending sort on SortField1 ; False to perform a descending sort.
SortField2 Optional String. The second field on which to sort the mail merge data. Default is an empty string.
SortAscending2 Optional Boolean. True (default) to perform an ascending sort on SortField2 ; False to perform a descending sort.
SortField3 Optional String. The third field on which to sort the mail merge data. Default is an empty string.
SortAscending3 Optional Boolean. True (default) to perform an ascending sort on SortField3 ; False to perform a descending sort.
The following example sorts the data source first according to ZIP code in descending order, then on last name and first name in ascending order.
Sub SetDataSortOrder()
Dim appOffice As OfficeDataSourceObject
Set appOffice = Application.OfficeDataSourceObject
appOffice.Open bstrConnect:="DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=ServerName;" & _
"UID=user;PWD=;DATABASE=Northwind", bstrTable:="Employees"
appOffice.SetSortOrder SortField1:="ZipCode", _
SortAscending1:=False, SortField2:="LastName", _
End Sub