Returns the CommandBarControls collection that fits the specified criteria.
expression.FindControls(Type, Id, Tag, Visible)
expression Required. An expression that returns a CommandBarControls collection.
Type Optional MsoControlType. The type of control.
MsoControlType type can be one of these MsoControlType constants. |
msoControlActiveX |
msoControlAutoCompleteCombo |
msoControlButton |
msoControlButtonDropdown |
msoControlButtonPopup |
msoControlComboBox |
msoControlCustom |
msoControlDropdown |
msoControlEdit |
msoControlExpandingGrid |
msoControlGauge |
msoControlGenericDropdown |
msoControlGraphicCombo |
msoControlGraphicDropdown |
msoControlGraphicPopup |
msoControlGrid |
msoControlLabel |
msoControlLabelEx |
msoControlOCXDropDown |
msoControlPane |
msoControlPopup |
msoControlSpinner |
msoControlSplitButtonMRUPopup |
msoControlSplitButtonPopup |
msoControlSplitDropdown |
msoControlSplitExpandingGrid |
msoControlWorkPane |
Id Optional Variant. The control’s identifier.
Tag Optional Variant. The control’s tag value.
Visible Optional Variant. True to include only visible command bar controls in the search. The default value is False.
If no controls that fits the criteria are found, the FindControls method returns Nothing.
This example uses the FindControls method to return all members of the CommandBars collection that have an ID of 18 and displays (in a message box) the number of controls that meet the search criteria.
Dim myControls As CommandBarControls
Set myControls = CommandBars.FindControls(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=18)
MsgBox "There are " & myControls.Count & _
" controls that meet the search criteria."