ODSOFilter Object
Represents a filter to be applied to an attached mail merge data source. The ODSOFilter object is a member of the ODSOFilters object.
Using the ODSOFilter object
Each filter is a line in a query string. Use the Column, Comparison, CompareTo, and Conjunction properties to return or set the data source query criterion. The following example changes an existing filter to remove from the mail merge all records that do not have a Region field equal to "WA".
Sub SetQueryCriterion()
Dim appOffice As Office.OfficeDataSourceObject
Dim intItem As Integer
Set appOffice = Application.OfficeDataSourceObject
appOffice.Open bstrConnect:="DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=ServerName;" & _
"UID=user;PWD=;DATABASE=Northwind", bstrTable:="Employees"
With appOffice.Filters
For intItem = 1 To .Count
With .Item(intItem)
If .Column = "Region" Then
.Comparison = msoFilterComparisonNotEqual
.CompareTo = "WA"
If .Conjunction = "Or" Then .Conjunction = "And"
End If
End With
Next intItem
End With
End Sub
Use the Add method of the ODSOFilters object to add a new filter criterion to the query. This example adds a new line to the query string and then applies the combined filter to the data source.
Sub SetQueryCriterion()
Dim appOffice As OfficeDataSourceObject
Set appOffice = Application.OfficeDataSourceObject
appOffice.Open bstrConnect:="DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=ServerName;" & _
"UID=user;PWD=;DATABASE=Northwind", bstrTable:="Employees"
With appOffice.Filters
.Add Column:="Region", _
Comparison:=msoFilterComparisonIsBlank, _
End With
End Sub