Returns or sets the Help context Id number for the Help topic attached to the command bar control. Read/write Long.
To use this property, you must also set the HelpFile property. Help topics respond to Shift+F1.
This example adds a custom command bar with a combo box that tracks stock data. The example also specifies the Help topic to be displayed for the combo box when the user presses SHIFT+F1.
Set myBar = CommandBars _
.Add(Name:="Custom", Position:=msoBarTop, _
With myBar
.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlComboBox, ID:=1
.Visible = True
End With
With CommandBars("Custom").Controls(1)
.AddItem "Get Stock Quote", 1
.AddItem "View Chart", 2
.AddItem "View Fundamentals", 3
.AddItem "View News", 4
.Caption = "Stock Data"
.DescriptionText = "View Data For Stock"
.HelpFile = "C:\corphelp\custom.hlp"
.HelpContextID = 47
End With