FolderName Property
Returns the name of a subfolder within the main document library folder of a shared workspace. Read-only String.
expression Required. An expression that returns a SharedWorkspaceFolder object.
The FolderName property returns the subfolder name in the format parentfolder/subfolder
. For example, if the shared workspace contains a folder named "Supporting Documents", the FolderName property returns Shared Documents/Supporting Documents
The following example displays the number of subfolders in the shared workspace and their names.
Dim swsFolder As Office.SharedWorkspaceFolder
Dim strFolderInfo As String
strFolderInfo = "The shared workspace contains " & _
ActiveWorkbook.SharedWorkspace.Folders.Count & " folder(s)." & vbCrLf
If ActiveWorkbook.SharedWorkspace.Folders.Count > 0 Then
For Each swsFolder In ActiveWorkbook.SharedWorkspace.Folders
strFolderInfo = strFolderInfo & swsFolder.FolderName & vbCrLf
End If
MsgBox strFolderInfo, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
"Folders in Shared Workspace"
Set swsFolder = Nothing